On October 24th, 2024, the Society for Art Collection (SARTCOL) hosted an exclusive reading of the newly published book, Creating Art: Authenticity and Ownership in the Visual Arts. The event...
From March 22 to March 31, 2024, Lagos hosted the inaugural +234 Art Fair, a colourful festival of art. Collectors, artists, and art fans all enthusiastically participated in this event. The...
When you hear “KENNA Partners,” you might instantly think of a law practice. Indeed, KENNA Partners is a distinguished legal establishment, but there’s more to discover. Join us as we...
If you want to grasp the interwoven relationship between law and art, this interview is a must-read, he explains why art collecting demands a level of education before delving into it full-time,...
On March 11, 2021, a non-fungible token or NFT, (one-of-a-kind digital item with its own digital signature) representing Everydays: the First 5000 Days, a JPEG created by Mike Winkelmann was sold for...
Profile Ana Collazo is an art lover who studied fine arts for more than a decade. She holds two bachelor degrees in Economics and Journalism from Carlos III University in Madrid. She has also...
From museums to art institutions, plans are being made to return the looted Benin bronze artefacts. The British army looted thousands of cultural treasures including metal, ivory and bronze...